Yes, I know, massive blog neglect has occurred. Don't try to make me feel bad about it, or I'll throw out some excuses about the holidays, and how it's tough to keep a nice mani when you're doing a lot of painting and gluing. My nails have been as neglected as my blog, sadly...there hasn't been any truly spectacular artsy shit in a while, so let us allow the blog to transition to a more all-encompassing cosmetic theme. Nails will always be my fave, but let's be honest - I love makeup. Just fucking love the stuff. And ever since I decided to start spending a mint on each stick of eyeliner I buy, I'm even more into it. I hate to say this, but more expensive makeup is just
better (to an extent. Some brands are outrageously priced, and on certain products it's better to comparison shop, natch.)
ANYHOO my current cosmetic obsession is colored eyebrows. It's so cheeky and unexpected, and I do so love to make a statement! I also think it can be quite chic if done right, if I do say so myself.
I have gigantic, formidable eyebrows, which I do not want to shave off, so I end up using quite a bit of product to get the colors I want. Sometimes, I'll do a quick swipe of the brows with a gluestick -
I know, I know - it seems weird, but it's an awesome drag trick to keep your bushy babies in check, nice and smooth and flat and ready to be painted!
Painting my brows is also definitely my favorite use for the Makeup Forever flash palette we talked about
back in Halloween. It pretty much requires a powder top coat though, and luckily I have pretty much every color of eyeshadow one could imagine, but in case I don't have an exact match, I alwayyyssssss use
Swagger finishing powder, which I also gave a lengthy blowjob to in the Halloween post. Full disclosure,
I am friends with the gorgeous creature behind Swagger Cosmetics, but I pay for the products I use, and I wouldn't lie to you - I am goddamn obsessed with this stuff. I bought some for my
little sister for Christmas, and now she's obsessed with it, too! It keeps my face looking matte and feeling softer than a baby's ass, I tell ye.
Actually, while we're at it, here's a pic of a recent purchase from Swagger, with a close-up of the finishing powder. Look how cute!
Everything came wrapped like little candies with a note and a few shadow samples, too! Oh yeah, I suppose I'll mention that
pink blush that I also bought. The photo on the website makes it look quite a bite more orangey than it is in reality - my photo is truer to life, it's very bubble-gummy, but rubs in slightly darker and richer than it looks in the jar. I'm obsessed with it right now, I've been wearing it preeetty much daily.
Okay, okay, on to the eyebrows. This whole obsession started with a costume I wore to a cheeky underground queer dance part that had a "virgin sacrifice" theme. I was experimenting with white eye makeup and my virginal costume slowly morphed into what I dubbed
alien baby. Seemed like a logical conclusion, right? And it was one of those parties where the aim of the game is
outdo all my friends with my craaazay costume!!
Cool! Freaky! This ended up being probably one of the most well received looks I've done in a while, I'll admit I was quite pleased. I also made a cyberish orange vinyl peter pan collar last minute - nice and easy because it requires almost no sewing!
Yay, vinyl!
Anyhoo, as all good things begin, I was sitting alone, probably watching TV-on-the-Internet, and decided it was a good occasion to fuck with makeup. I like to have some time to play with an idea before I wear it out,
especially if it's a club look. Lord knows it'll ruin my entire timeline if I fuck up and have to wash my whole face off and start again! People just don't
know! Oh, the
prep work, hunty!
Here I am doing a little neon-face action. It's clear from our experiments that pink eyebrows are awesome, and yellow eyebrows are not-so-awesome. (Oh, all of this eyebrow gunk is MUFE flash palette, fyi.) I'm also wearing the pink Swagger blush - and quite a lot of it, here. These are unfiltered webcam photos, and the colors are accurate for once!
So with a clear verdict, I wore the pink out to da club. Since it's such a bright color, I did cold black and white makeup everywhere else.
Statement brows, people. I also did a little heavy-drag eyeliner experiment.
On the left, before da club. On the right, after. I did do much dancing, but it held up nicely! |

Now, pink brows are obviously the most awesome and my personal favorite as well (coincidence!) but it's a little too clubby for the office, I believe. I like to mess around at the office with freaky makeup while still biz'casualin it up in the outfit department. I love to test the boundaries of the dress code, ask my mother and she'll confirm it's been a lifelong hobby of mine. If I'm gonna go clown-brow at the office, I prefer a dark shade in keeping with my natural color palette, so that means purple or royal blue!

The blue does
not photograph well, and it looks really weird in this pic, like just the front bit is blue! Ugh, it's much better in real life, but subtle enough that it's pretty easy to wear on the daily.
Then I decided to go whole purple-face with the brows, because I couldn't resist using this gorgeoussss new lippy called
The Purple Cloud by
Portland Black Lipstick Co., who make totally awesome and unconventional lip colors. I found out about them via a
Beautylish article. I picked out four shades, and some of the shades I bought are a little dry because they're so pigment
heavy, but I'd prefer a drier shade that stays put than something that's going to make a big, weird-colored mess on my face and come off on every face I kiss. I touch of Burt's Bees before application and it's perfecto. Also, none of the pigments get all chunky like with
some brands I've tried recently.
(We'll talk about that later!!!) I don't want to parse it all out right now because lippy reviews don't belong in eyebrow posts. Suffice it to say this brand has a lot of colors you will never find elsewhere, and I recommend them!!
Ok now, this purple...this purple is awesome. It's super rich and creamy and smells
oh-so-slightly of mint - just lovely!! It feels good and stays put all day, I didn't have any feathering at all! Now, I feel I must qualify my gushy review of this brand. If you know me at all, you already know this; but if you don't, then listen to me now! If there's one thing I love, it's weird shades of lipstick.
Obsessed. A nice, all-day-wearable freaky lippy is
haaard to find!
People don't knowww! So when I find a great one, I need to talk about it. Love dis shit!
I think with that, I will conclude this photo-orgy of a post. Tune in next time
(I can't make any promises of when that will be) and I'll talk more about lipstick your grandmother wouldn't like and whether it's worth your dime.