Friday, June 22, 2012

50/50 Nails

  Wow, slacking this week, huh?  How about another quickie about nails?  We love those.

Photographed on an LP with a picture of a leather jacket, not actual leather.  Weird!

  I love to do a little half 'n' half mani when I can't decide between two colors.  I decided to go vertical since to me horizontal halfsies looks like a french mani that didn't know when to quit.  For this I used Revlon "Jaded," which I absolutely looove!  It's a super smooth opaque that's not too streaky.  I usually need three coats, two if I'm being heavy-handed.  It's just a really great pastel and I fucking love it.  Honestly I just love all my Revlon polishes.  For a drug-store find, they are really great, and they last a while, too.  The purple is some ridiculous stuff called Island Girl, which I  naturally bought in Maui.  It's called "Waikiki Dream" in case you ever find it.  I bought this on a day-drunk afternoon, so I don't remember how much it cost, but it was cheap.  Finally, a black stripe to divide the sides!  This added a little depth to the look, and covered up my sloppy seams.  Bonus!

Here's a way clearer picture with less accurate colors.  The pale green just gets so blanched by my camera's flash!

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