Monday, June 18, 2012

[Self-Promotional Blog Post Title Goes Here]

Oh look, here's me on It's My Darlin' from last winter!  I just remembered this on the bus this morning, so I thought I'd do a little personal pimping and share it here. 

It's a serious winter outfit, replete with wool coat and wide-brimmed hat, but the pièce de résistance is obviously that insane quilted polyester skirt I'm wearing.  I made it in high school out of a positively glorious queen-sized '70s quilt I found at a thrift store near my folks' place.  Honestly, I have about a yard and a half of this quilt left-over, which is currently adorning my ugliest armchair.  I swear every time I look at it I regret having unceremoniously chopped it to bits to make a few insane looking skirts.  But at least it got me some props, some eight years on, right?

Cribbed my glamor shot from It's My Darlin'.  Credit is due, natch.

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